University of Wroclaw

27th Conference Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics

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XXIV Conference Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics

Szklarska Poręba 

13-17 May 2019

Abstracts 2019
Participants 2019
Photos 2019

 Invited Speakers

Krzysztof R. Apt, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam; University of Warsaw: Open problems in a logic of gossips (PDF)
Roberto Giuntini, University of Cagliari; Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare "Beniamino Segre": {0; 1} and [0; 1]: From classical logic to fuzzy quantum logic (PDF)
Andreas Herzig, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse; French National Centre for Scientific Research: 1. Dynamic logic of propositional assignments as a framework for knowledge representation (PDF); 2.The dynamic logic of policies and contingent planning (PDF)  
Emil Jeřábek, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague:  Admissible rules and their complexity (PDF)

 The Organizing Committee

Janusz Czelakowski, University of Opole
Elżbieta Magner, University of Wrocław
Tomasz Połacik, University of Silesia 
Marcin Selinger, University of Wrocław

e-communication and computer setup:

Krzysztof Siemieńczuk 
Bartłomiej Skowron, Warsaw University of Technology


Note. (EN) means that the talk is presented in English, (PL) – in Polish.


Poniedziałek (Monday), 13 maja 2019

Registration – from 2:00 PM. 

Wtorek (Tuesday), 14 maja 2019

  855 -     Otwarcie konferencji

              Sesja przedpołudniowa

  900 -     Andreas Herzig (EN), Dynamic Logic of Propositional Assignments as a Framework for Knowledge Representation.
1000 -     Tomasz Jarmużek, Jacek Malinowski (EN), Barbershop Paradox and Connexive Logic.
1030 -     Przerwa (Coffee Break)
1100 -     Roberto Giuntini (EN), {0; 1} and [0; 1]: From Classical Logic to Fuzzy Quantum Logic.
1200 -     Piotr WojtylakWojciech Dzik (EN), Unification in Superintuitionistic Predicate Logics.
1230 -     Lidia Typańska-Czajka (EN), There Are 2ℵo Pre-Maximal Extensions of the Relevant Logic E.
1300 -     Obiad (Lunch) 

              Sesja popołudniowa

1500 -     Anvar M. Nurakunov, Michał M. Stronkowski (EN), The Undecidability of Profiniteness.
1530 -     Dorota Leszczyńska-Jasion (EN), On Multiple-Conclusion Consequence Relation for Classical Logic.
1600 -     Sara Ipakchi (EN), Even Logical Truths Are Falsifiable.
1630 -      Przerwa (Coffee Break)
1700 -     Grzegorz Sitek (EN), Points, Lines and Planes in Tarski's System of Point-Free Geometry.
1730 -     Szymon Chlebowski, Agata Tomczyk (EN), Cut-Elimination in Constructive SCI.
1750 -     Aleksandra Czyż, Kinga Ordecka, Piotr Sowiński, Andrzej Gajda (EN), Consequence Operators for Logic Programs and the Classical Consequence.
1810 -     Marta Gawek (EN), Automated Proof Search for Modal Logic K in Labelled Sequent Calculus.
1830 -     Elżbieta Magner (PL), The Connective "tudzież".
1900 -     Kolacja (Dinner)

Środa (Wednesday), 15 maja 2019

              Sesja przedpołudniowa

  900 -     Andreas Herzig (EN), The Dynamic Logic of Policies and Contingent Planning.
1000 -     Andrzej Indrzejczak (EN), Completing the Circle — Cut Admissibility for Carnielli-Style n-Sequent Calculus.
1030 -     Przerwa (Coffee Break)
1100 -     Janusz Czelakowski (EN), Action Systems and Agency.
1140 -     Przemysław A. Wałęga (EN), Temporal Logics with Metric Operators.
1210 -     Yaroslav Petrukhin (EN), Dual Logic of Rational Agent.
1300 -       Obiad (Lunch)

              Popołudnie wolne (Free Time)

2000 -     Uroczysta kolacja (Gala Dinner)

Czwartek (Thursday), 16 maja 2019

              Sesja przedpołudniowa

  900 -     Emil Jeřábek (EN), Admissible Rules and Their Complexity (Part I).
1000 -     Vítězslav Švejdar (EN), Some Schematic Extensions of Intuitionistic Predicate Logic.
1030 -     Przerwa (Coffee Break)
1100 -     Krzysztof R. Apt (EN), Open Problems in a Logic of Gossips.
1200 -     Marek Nowak (EN), When a Closure System Is a Complete and Atomic Boolean Algebra?
1230 -     Konrad Rudnicki, Piotr Łukowski (EN), Empirical Investigation of the Liar Paradox. Neuroimaging Evidence That the Human Brain Perceives the Liar Sentence as False.
1300 -       Obiad (Lunch)

              Sesja popołudniowa

1500 -     Janusz Kaczmarek (EN), The World of Ideas modulo Topological Ontology.
1530 -     Piotr Błaszczyk (EN), Where Mathematical Proof Comes From.
1600 -     Marcin Selinger (EN), A Framework for Evaluation of Structured Arguments.
1630 -     Przerwa (Coffee Break)
1700 -     Marek Magdziak (PL), Logic and Existence.
1730 -     Eugeniusz Wojciechowski (PL), The Theory of Authority.
1800 -     Marcin Drofiszyn (PL), Elzenberg: Value and Ought.
1900 -       Kolacja (Dinner)

Piątek (Friday), 17 maja 2019

              Sesja przedpołudniowa

  900 -     Emil Jeřábek (EN), Admissible Rules and Their Complexity (Part II).
1000 -     Tomasz Połacik (EN), Archetypal Rules and Intermediate Logic.
1030 -     Przerwa (Coffee Break)
1100 -     Joanna Grygiel (EN), Different Aspects of Tolerance Relations.
1130 -     Marcin Łazarz (EN), The →-Decomposition Property. II. [Not delivered.]
1200 -     Michał Zawidzki, Yaroslav Petrukhin (EN), Refined Tableau Calculi for Modal Logics with Simplified Semantics.
1230 -     Tomasz Witczak (EN), Generalized Topological Semantics for Weak Modal Logics.
1300 -     Zamknięcie konferencji
1305 -      Obiad (Lunch)